In May of 2011, St. Margaret Mary Church formed a parish-based ministry that offers help, healing, and hope, to those afflicted with or affected by alcohol or drugs through education, prevention, support, and referrals.
On Wednesday, Sept. 23, 2015, the Slidell Substance Addiction Ministry (SAM) group will be hosting an in- formation fair night at the St. Margaret Mary Church, Evangelization Bldg., 1050 Robert Blvd., Slidell, LA, at 7:00 PM.
This information night is for those members of the community who are seeking help and information about addiction. The information night is open to everyone especially those who are having issues with alcohol or drug use as well as those who have been affected by someone else’s alcohol or drug use.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Deacon Louie Bauer at 985-707-7261 or