Census Instructions


Thank you for participating in our parish census! Please complete both sides of the form if you have never registered OR if you registered before 2014. If you have registered in 2014 and received a welcome letter, it is not necessary to complete the census unless your contact or family information has changed. If you have not received a welcome letter or envelopes (if requested), please accept our apologies and resend your registration.

You may either use the registration form on this web site to register electronically or click here for the 2014 Parish Census form as a fillable PDF file. If you use the PDF, please complete both pages then either:

  1.  Print and return to the parish office OR
  2. Save to your computer and email to the office at ststephenpar@archdiocese-no.org.
    Contact Dianne Caverly at 504-899-1378 or dcaverly@archdiocese-no.org if you have any questions.