“Christmas at St Stephen’s” will be presented on Gaudete Sunday, December 15th, at 4:00 pm, at St Stephen Church. Included will be both familiar and perhaps some unfamiliar Sacred Music befitting the season, with compositions by Adolph Adam, Johann Sebastian Bach, Carson P. Cooman, Calvin Hampton, Jan Kern, Franz Liszt, Nicola A. Montani, John Francis Wade, and Pietro A. Yon, as well as Gregorian Chant.
Acclaimed performers will be Phyllis Treigle, Melissa Brocato, Judy Seghers, Trey Cassells, Louis Hackett; the Good Shepherd Choir; and organist Brian Morgan (Director of Music at Good Shepherd Parish).
There will be no charge for admission, although free-will donations will be accepted. For further information, please telephone the rectory at (504)899-1378.