The Christmas Season officially ends after the Mass of the Baptism of Our Lord. At this point I want to thank all of those who made this Christmas Season so special at Good Shepherd Parish. Foremost among you are the priests who offered Mass while I was on retreat, those who served the Masses, the lectors, the Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist, the music ministry and the Altar Society. Also, thanks to all who donated poinsettias to decorate our beautiful sanctuary:
Academy of the Sacred Heart Students & Alumnae
Ralph R. Alexis Jr.
Rosemary Baeher, Carl J. Galle Jr., Cecelia Muth, James Borrows
Boudreaux & Bergeron Families
Betpouey – Dwyer Families
Mrs. Betty Blum, Mrs. C. Velasquez
Cleaver & Frederick Families
Mae Clemention
Collier & Gwin Families
James R. Dignan
Drouant & Dorion Families
Fayard, Klotz, Tallant & Kahl Families
Janet Finnegan, John Paul Finnegan
George & Gladys Perrin Frank
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Francis Grace
Mary, Harvey & C.J. Fortenberry
Gallaher, Collins & Egatz Families
Aline Folse Heausler
Kappesser Family Members
Knights of Columbus Members
Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Leche
Lopez & Guillory Families
Albert, Ruth & Connie Lynch
Ronald & Pauline Marchessault
Mr & Mrs. Claude Mauberret, Sr. & Dr. Claude Mauberret Jr.
Bill & Blanche McCrossen
Deacon Paul A. Nalty
Raymond A. Pelleteri
Austin H. Randolph Jr.
Schmitt & Masino Families
Unison & Myrtle Brennan Singer
Mr. & Mrs. Terrance J. Smith
Edwin & Shirley Sullivan
Vetter Amadeo Taylor
Carlo Torina, Ann Humphries
Ron & Eric Vollman
Marian H. Wallis
Milton & Vivian Wetzel
Archer Family
Oliver Beirne Miles